Dust Issues


Staff member
Hey all.

This is a long occurring issue I've been having, my PC basically sucks in the dust as if it were a hoover. Not entirely sure why, but I've had my case for about 2 years now and it's always been sucking up dust.

Maybe my room is just dusty, but is there any way to reduce the amount of dust it sucks in? At the moment it's sitting on a carpet and I've heard that putting blocks underneath it just to raise it off the carpet can help. Putting it on my desk isn't an option - I haven't got the space and as all my fans are plugged straight into the PSU, it's quite noisy.

A free solution which does not include buying anything would be good!

Any help or advice would be appreciated!
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Does have feet, but they're useless, and no I don't have an air puffier I don't think.

Just been outside and got some wood, I'll see if that helps.
Get it off the floor high. Goto a local garage sale and or a resale shop and look for a lamp table then set on that. That will work.
Yeah don't keep it on the floor, otherwise you'll get lots and lots of dust inside. Another thing is you could look into dust filters to put over your intake fans. That would reduce the amount of dust that gets sucked in.
Yeah don't keep it on the floor, otherwise you'll get lots and lots of dust inside. Another thing is you could look into dust filters to put over your intake fans. That would reduce the amount of dust that gets sucked in.

Got some wooden blocks now to put underneath the PC. Already got intake fans, they don't help an awful lot for me. The dust just trapped on them and looks ugly. :(

My room is just dusty. :( We'll see what sitting the machine on blocks does.
There is another reason you should use the computer on a carpet and that is the danger of Static Electricity. This applies to all types of carpet and especially with any containing any man made material (e.g. Nylon-Rayon etc)

Static can cause major problems with your computer and even cause it to crash. As a short term measure place some card (old cereal box?) under the computer to isolate it from the floor.

I've elevated the machine off the floor now. Now it's on some wooden blocks, about an inch and a half off the floor.

The amount of dust seems to have gone down a bit, but I'm still tempted to build some sort of table for it and really look into 'renovating' my room.