Dual 3.5mm F > Single 3.5mm M


Active Member
Hey guys.

I don't think what I'm looking for exists.

Basically I have 3.5 mil out on both my TV thats connected to my 360, and one on my netbook.

I wan't to connect both of these up at the same time to my Aego's Which have RCA input. Right now the connection is on the other side of the room, so I have a 5 meter 3.5mm > RCA line going there. I idealy need something that will connect to the existing Male 3.5mm plug?

What is the best & cheapest way to do this?

Thanks :good:

Is what I need, but a UK site for one

Only other thing I can do is buy Dual M>M cables & a Dual M>Single M adaptor & a F>F adaptor to stick on to the end of my existing Male line.

But thats like, IDK. I don't want to have to do that! :D





2nd way is fail
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If you can't find it there, you don't deserve to hear it! If you're struggling then give them a call - they're more 'pro' (pish) audio orientated, but they'll doubtless know what to do