DSLR Settings


Active Member
I recently bought my first DSLR, the Olympus Evolt E410.

I've owned digital cameras and a Film SLR in the past, and I still use them.

I dont want to take my camera into the local camera shop and have them set it up, but if its needed then alright.

I've read the instruction book, I am kind of confused though.

I plan on taking pictures of buildings *Landscape*, Macro shots and miscellaneous shots.

Are you going to be shooting in manual mode and you need help with exposure? Or are you going to be shooting on the landscape/macro settings? I would recommed getting yourself some good lenses for both and shoot in RAW format so you can adjuct your WB settings during the post processing of your pics. Makes things ALOT easier.
The camera came with two lenses, which are quite good.

A regular lens, and a zoom lens.

I might plan on buying better ones in the future, since I plan on using this camera for awhile.

Well, I tried to take some night pictures, of buildings and lights, and the pictures came out blurry.

Any suggestions?

Is there a feature where I can preset the mode? Like for Daytime and Nighttime and stuff?

Is there a feature where I can preset the mode? Like for Daytime and Nighttime and stuff?
Well if there's a preset, look on the dials, it'll be where you toggle between point+shoot vs manual most likely.

If you dont have those options, the daytime shots depend on the amount of depth of field you want (more = smaller aperture). At nighttime, the same rules apply -- i personally find higher aperture shots more appealing (i shoot f/22 mostly for night shots, maybe a bit higher in cities vs fields)