DSL Netgear Network


New Member
I have a desktop and a laptop, I’m borrowing someone’s DSL via my laptops
on board wireless connection.

My question is I have a Netgear FM114p wireless router modem
can I pick up the same signal my laptop gets so I could have access to the initernet
with both computers and have a network connection?

If so could someone walk me through the setup please

I’m running XP on both computers
Okay, when you're connected to the internet with your laptop, go to Control Panel > Network Connections > double click on your wireless connection > Support tab. Then, get your Default Gateway address. After this, plug in your router and connect to it with your laptop. Just go into your internet browser and type in the address bar and go to it. This will bring you into your router login prompt. Hopefully the login information is set to default, so use admin as your username an password as your password.

Now, this is where things will get fuzzy. I've never configured a Netgear router before, but somewhere in the settings there will be a place where you can specify the WAN gateway address. Use the same address that you got from your laptop Default Gateway. Save your settings, the router will probably reboot, and then use your laptop to connect to the wireless network that your router made. Then you'll be able to do the same thing with your desktop. Tell me if this works, and if not, tell me where I went horribly wrong in this explaination :)
I’m not having any luck, I can get my desktop to open the Netgear setup using
But not the laptop, it keeps linking me to the wrong network.

So I have no commutation between desktop and laptop either wireless or cat5
but my laptop shows the wireless network which I named “FM114P”