Downloads Slow


New Member
I have a cable modem. Usually when I run ares it is fast and downloads up to 30kb/sec........... now the highest it goes it 4kb/sec... I don't know why. This has happened before and I resetted our linksys befw11s4 router and it worked that time. This time it doesn't. I don't know what I've done wrong. I've tried EVERYTHING! If anyone could help it would be great. Downloading anything just seems so slow. If you need anymore info just say so.
Very much appreciated,
your isp may be putting a cap on your download speed as they see suitable if you use it too much.

do you have a firewall installed? they might use special ports and privileges your firewall may be blocking if you have one.
The computer I'm using to download doesn't have a firewall. My computer upstairs does, but I'm pretty sure i have it off. So if my isp did it.. there's nothing I can do is there? Darn them! I find that crap if I'm paying for a higher connection and get dial up speed lol...
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Your download speeds depends on the servers your downloading off of.. Try downloading from and you'll see your speeds are alot higher on there.

Some sites servers get high traffic which lowers the download speeds..
and yes, it is also limited to what you are paying for.
Make sure that no other processes are running that could be hogging your bandwidth. Spyware can sometimes be a prime cause for this. Have you ran a virus/spyware scan recently?