Downloading direct url's


New Member
I have a question; how can I download a video file from the internet if I have the full url to the video on the webserver? It is a .wmv file.
just put the link on the browser address bar
a windows will pop up for you
click save and choose your location on HDD
You should be able to put the url in the Navigation Bar. Won't work if the file is protected against leeching/hotlinking. You will then have to go via the web page. Hotlinking and leeching are generally considered anti-social because they either steal bandwidth or circumvent the web page (loss of ad revenue or not browsing the page content).

then go to the webpage where it's located and right click on the link and click "Save target as"
or make your own mini html page with the target as a link, then click and save traget as (if the webpage doesnt have a link to get to it)