Download Speeds?


Active Member
How fast would i be able to download if i was connected to a standard 802.11g router?

Or even an 802.11n router?

Thanx in advance.
oh yeah i'm not at home right now but all i know is i've downloaded at about 260KB/s on azureus. (not wireless!!!) does that help?

If not then ill find out by tomorrow!
Not really. It means you have a fairly decent connection though. But its unlikely you'd be downloading at your maximum speed with a torrent.
Just because you have a wireless G speed of 54Mbps doesnt mean you will ever get anything close to that. You would be lucky to find somehting at 1Mbps.. Those speeds 54-108Mbps are used to make your interlan transfer of files faster.
It depends on the source you are downloading from. If you have wireless G UP TO 54Mbps... and an ISP connection up to 6Mbps then 6Mbps is your limit... but nobody uploads that fast, as I said before.

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Thats probably your connection speed. Look below and it will tell you download speed (will be less)