Download rates


New Member
the problem is have a petty 56k modem, and when i download stuff off the internet the download rate drops to about 3 or 4 k. does anyone know why??? and is there anything i can do to increasse this.
You are very lucky for it to be 3k or 4k. the max speed it can be is 7k. You cant really do anything except for upgrading to Broadband
The fact is that your modem and all modems measure the speed in a different way. 56k DOES NOT mean 56 Kb/sec download rate, it means 56 KiloBit/sec. A byte = 8 Bits, so you have to divide this number by 8 to get the real max KB/sec download rate which will be 7 KB/sec as Hellbreather said.

If you are going to ugrade to a broadband connection, don't expect to see another ratio. If you go buy a 1 Mbps connection, you will have to divide 1024 Kbps by 8 to get again the actual download rate which will be 128 KiloByte/sec.
You may experiance better download speeds, but this 560 is a constant speed. I always get this speed online. Some people have tryed programs that suposedly "increase" your download speeds but all in all they are just another spyware carrier. The only ones you can really trust are the ones you do yourself ! :D
download DU meter, that tells you exactly how much you download. and remember that kbps and KB/s are different. from i average 185 KB/s which is fine for a 1.5Mb broadband
your not running 560KB/s your running 560kbps. the difference between the 2 is that kbps is kilobits whilst KB is kilobytes, which is 8 times bigger. files rarely get downloaded in bits, nearly all are in bytes. what browser do u use, and do you use the manager that comes with it
when you donwload something, take a screenshot and post it. actually, start to download the halo demo off of, this always max's out my download speed.