Do VPN behind 2 routers?


New Member

I have a Windows Server 2003 box running RRAS (the service responsible for providing VPN to my users). I have tried to access this VPN server when my server is behind Router 1 and it works.

Now, here's the problem: I add another router and the setup is now like this:

Internet ---> Router 1 (with ports enabled for VPN access) ---> Router 2 ---> Server.

I cannot access the VPN server from the internet from the above setup.

Should Router 2 have VPN ports open too? Also, should I have some NAT or port forwarding in place? I've heard networks get quite inaccessible or complex when behind 2 routers.

Amateur here. Thanks in advance for your help!
gotairbus said:
Should Router 2 have VPN ports open too? Also, should I have some NAT or port forwarding in place? I've heard networks get quite inaccessible or complex when behind 2 routers.

Yes, you need to forward ports on both routers. And yes they do get more complex but it just takes a little more time to figure them out.