DIY Adapter Antenna extender


I'm looking for a DIY network adapter extender. A web page or one of your methods is good. By an extender I mean a stupid little aluminum foil thing that you put on the antenna. I'm not looking for a huge increase, but my position from the router is undesireable so anything will do. I currently have around 1250kbps down and 250kbps up, but the router gets almost 1.5 times that.
EDIT: I just moved my antenna to the top of my bookcase and got a 100kbps boost to up, so now I have a consistent 315kbps. How should the antenna be angled? Up, or pointing to the router?
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If you have access to your plumbing, wiring up the antenna jack to some copper pipes give you great wireless signals for a very large area.
Nope, no pipe access whatsoever. My bathroom (nearest plumbing) is about 50ft away. I don't want to have to hide a cable that far. Besides, I doubt I could get permission.
Not range-speed. Are those the same? But anything better then what I already have, which is a red bar in xbox live.