disallow access to website

Chris Chan

New Member
I know there is a way to disallow access to a specific website/group of websites by editing the hosts file, but I don't know the specifics. I need to do this b/c of inappropriate usage of internet at school. How can this be accomplished on a)Win98, b)Win2000, and c)WinXP? Thanks.
Are you trying to this, so your able to bipass it? Or so your able to set it up?

I know if your trying to setup a way around it, you can use a program called cgiproxy... very easy to install and use.
Editing the hosts file is simple, open it up with a text editor, define the IP address ( is Local Machine) a space and the website to associate with that address (www.computerforum.com for example). Don't include the http:// part.

One association per line. Every URL you want to deny will be associated with Local Machine.

This is an easy thing to get around for a computer-savvy user, though. If you want to restrict internet usage, then you'd be better off installing a Proxy on the web server/firewall.
I'm actually trying to set it up. The net-admin is long since gone off someplace else, making administration on te server impossible. I fould a client side provg called Allegrosurf, havent tried it tho.
I use Smoothwall on a PII machine I had in the garage. It's a dedicated firewall with proxy. There are mods to add advanced Proxy functionality and you can use Dan's Guardian with it to restrict your users from accessing the really bad stuff. If you have an older box lying around, it is worth looking into.