Stop complaining.You are ALL lucky since you do not have customs in your country like I do here in Croatia.Like the one in a town called RIJEKA.(A town in a Croatia country).
I am saying that because of 5 reasons:
1. Every SINGLE package I order AND pay from the outside REGARDLESS from which store/web site it was ordered from,once it comes into my country,I need to pay a LOT of money to the customs in Rijeka TOO if I want to get my package.WHY???Because they are thieves and the law sucks!!!!!!!!!
2. Every single package which comes to the customs in Rijeka is opened by the people who work there and MANY MANY TOO MANY times they steal the part of the package's contents and just package the rest and send it to you.For example if you ordered 3 T-shirts,they will take (STEAL) 2 of them and send you the remaining one IF YOU ARE LUCKY!WHY???Because they are thieves and the law sucks!!!!!!!!!
3. In MANY MANY MANY cases people who work in the customs in Rijeka will require from you to send them the BILL of your package so you can prove them that YOU are the ONE who ordered that.BUT here is a catch:
They send you a letter in which they write what kind of proof they want from you,but you NEED to pay them for the letter in order to even get the letter and be able to read it.Once you read the letter,you know what kind of proof they want from you.After that you need to FAX them the proof such as a PayPal bill.Once you have done that you need to wait for few days.After that in MANY MANY TOO MANY cases they accuse you that you sent them the fake bill and then they sue you and you ALSO need to pay a HUGE HUGE HUGE amount of money as a PUNISHMENT.
And of never get your package for which you PAYED for (for example to a seller on eBay) LONG time ago.Instead they take the package for them selves.WHY???Because they are thieves and the law sucks!!!!!!!!!
4. In MANY MANY TOO MANY cases if you buy something what costs let's say 20 dollars,the people who work in the customs in Rijeka will say that you did NOT pay that package for 20 dollars (but you did).And in order to verify how much you actually "payed" for the package,the people in customs in Rijeka will compare that package (for example a 10 ports USB hub) to a "
SIMILAR" product here in Croatia country ONLY and then they will TELL YOU that you payed for that package in the amount of how much that SIMILAR product costs here in Croatia country EVEN if the SIMILAR product has NOTHING to do with the package you ordered from outside.For example:
They compare your CPU price (which you ordered and payed) from the outside with a price of a brand new laptop here in Croatia.
And that does NOT make any sense because you ordered CPU ONLY and not the entire brand new LAPTOP.
And watch this!!!
Many things which I ordered from the outside do not even exists here in Croatia country.So I really wonder what they compared my packages with LOL!!!
With NOTHING lol.They just want to take money from you AND like I wrote above in MANY TOO MANY cases they take a LOT of money from you AND ALSO steal your package from you and keep it for them selves.WHY???Because they are thieves and the law sucks!!!!!!!!!
5. In many many many too MANY cases if you call the people in customs in Rijeka and ask them why you still did not receive your package,they will SIMPLY TELL YOU THE FOLLOWING (like they did to me):
"We will not send you the package because you do not need that."
What an irony...ha?
By the way...they accused me SO many times that I am sending them fake bills and I had to pay them a LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT of money as a punishment.Plus I also had to pay them the money FOR the package too (mentioned in reason number 1) which at the end I never even got.They just kept it for them selves or gave it to someone.
So conclusion:
I wasted a LOT of money and I did not get absolutely ANYTHING.For example if I order a computer case and CPU like you did,I would never get that AND I would need to waste a LOT LOT LOT TOO MUCH MONEY which I would need to pay them as a "PUNISHMENT" otherwise I might finish in jail.What PUNISHMENT???
I have NO IDEA.They ALWAYS make something up just to take money from you as much as they can.
So if you ask me...Croatia country is BAD and CORRUPTED and politicians here STEAL ALL THE TIME.That's the reason why there are so many poor people here.And the number of unemployed people here raises more and more EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
The good news is that people here FINALLY got angry at politicians so next month people here will remove them from being in charge on force.Of course that will result in big messes on streets,but it's the ONLY way. will be like in City 17 in Half-Life 2
Anyway...what I was trying to say is that you should all shut up and stop complaining because in Croatia things are a LOT WORSE!You live in paradise if you ask me.So lost 1 what...I lost them 1000 AND also payed for them AND FOR THE FICTIONAL PUNISHMENT WHICH THEY MADE UP JUST TO TAKE MONEY FROM YOU!!!
So shut up lol...if all I lost was a CPU,I would be happy!
By the way...7 people from customs in Rijeka were recently FINALLY arrested and they finished in jail WHERE THEY ALL BELONG!!!
Too bad it's just 7 since there are a LOT more of them than just 7...