Difference MP3 and AAC


New Member
Anyone knows what the difference really is, and wich one do you advice me to rip my music to, knowing I use iTunes and iPod..

Mp3 files are a lot bigger than AAC files (I believe almost 90% comparing 192kbps to 160kbps). But the quality might suffer a little, if you really care.
The AAC format was designed to replace MP3 and achieve the same quality at lower bitrates (but that was not entirely a success)...
Yes, but you have already losed quality ripping from mp3 to aac.
So in that case stay with the aac.
Advanced Audio Coding The follow-up codec to MPeG1 Layer3 (MP3). AAC was developed (just like MP3) by the "Fraunhofer Institut für integrierte Schaltungen". AAC sounds better than MP3 - 96kbps compression are sufficient for good sound quality. Moreover AAC is secure - that is why Liquid Audio makes use of AAC.
I say if you have mp3s then keep them in mp3 format (the same for AAC) because you'd probably loose quality by converting from one format to another.
As for audio-ripping, the preferred format is up to you. AAC is a little bit better than mp3, but mp3 is more portable than AAC.