Desktop parts are being fazed out of stores.


So I just went out into town with my sister to get some stuff for my nephews desktop I am building. I first went to Best Buy, then Staples, then HH Greg, and finally in desperation Wal Mart. Nobody had a wifi card, and only Best Buy had internal optical drives that were stupidly overpriced. Needless to say we ordered from Newegg instead. But what happened? There wasn't a single desktop computer, there were laptops, tablets, and those atrocious "all in one" desktops which are basically overpriced large sized tablets on a stand that aren't exactly portable and can never be upgraded. I heard desktops were going out, but I never believed it until now. What I find remarkable is that people are being tricked into basically buying those "all in one" systems that are overpriced downgrades. Just a couple of years ago things were very different, the change was pretty rapid. These are sad times.

Starting to worry now, do you think that the market for desktops will disappear? If there isn't enough of a market to produce the parts for them, the manufactures will be forced to halt production.
Desktops aren't going anywhere. People just don't feel the need to test drive them in stores like they used to. Laptops and tablets are all the rage for a lot of people these days.

For us IT oriented people, desktops will never disappear. Maybe pre-built ones will, but there will always be components to build your own.
There are still a ton of desktops in brick and mortar stores like Wal-Mart and Best Buy. You either didn't look, ornwere only looking at store models.

As voyager said, there will be desktops as long as there's a crowd like us.
I agree with the others that desktop machines will be around for quite some time to come, especially if the user is someone who actually produces content or does anything much more than surf the net or check email.

In my area, Walmart, Staples, and Best Buy still sell desktop computers as well as laptops and tablets.

I've noticed, too, that desktop parts are getting harder to find in brick and mortar stores. B&M places can't compete with online prices or selection. Which is a shame. I still miss places like CompUSA.
its also cause most people don't got shop at those stores anymore for computer components. Everything is either purchased at online stores or the online stores warehouses. I use to order from TigerDirect all the time now I have one not far from me so I just shop in store.
Yeah I think Dave's right, it costs too much for brick and mortar stores to stock these items; as most people such as us when building machines are pretty weary of the prices we're paying. As such, I think for a long time they we're stocking items and placing their 100% markup and no one would buy.