Hello to all here.
I'm duplicating my Desktop to my TV via HDMI.. primarily for gaming atm, but as soon as I source a decent wireless keyboard/mouse I'll be using it for a lot more.
Just wondering if there's a better way & if I can solve a few of the annoyances..
I have to reduce my Desktop res (it's 1920x1200) to the TV's 1920x1080 before I can see any shortcut's/folders etc & then change it back when I'm finished.
The Desktop display is not aligned correctly on the TV either, with many of the shortcuts on the periphery of the screen not being accessible.
I'm duplicating my Desktop to my TV via HDMI.. primarily for gaming atm, but as soon as I source a decent wireless keyboard/mouse I'll be using it for a lot more.
Just wondering if there's a better way & if I can solve a few of the annoyances..
I have to reduce my Desktop res (it's 1920x1200) to the TV's 1920x1080 before I can see any shortcut's/folders etc & then change it back when I'm finished.
The Desktop display is not aligned correctly on the TV either, with many of the shortcuts on the periphery of the screen not being accessible.