Desk/Cable Management


VIP Member
Anybody got any good tips/advice on how to get a pretty neat desk with all the plugs, sockets, wires and leads? Or any pictures of their neat set up?
Buy some sticky backed cable clips,They're super cheap on Ebay and put the wires on the underside of your desk.



Also,cable trunking works wonders.

Heres mine after some extreme cable management. :) ,Sorry for the picture no photographer and only have a mobile for a camera. :D


If i went with Wireless mouse & Keyboard there wouldn't be any wires on my desk at all,Well exept for the Audio pod from my speakers but nothing i can do about that.





The problem is though...cable lengths,I was lucky enough for most of my cables to reach but if yours are quite short you might need to be extensions or extend the cables yourself to size so that they reach where you want them too but don't dangle around looking untidy.

You should post a couple of pics of your current setup,then we can suggest ideas. :)
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Holy shit, Shane. You went to town on that, haha. Looks insane!

I don't actually have any pictures of mine at the moment, but the cable clips are a good idea, thanks!

Is that Zalman fan controller one I sold? I can't remember, haha
Thanks,I was just lucky that most of my cables were long enough to go where i wanted them to. :D,Except the Sub woofer one...The subs a sealed unit with no screws so if i wanted to extend the cable from the control pod to the AMP id have to literally destroy my Sub woofer box trying to get it open,Not worth the hassle.
Ideally id have liked it to be on the carpet floor but its fine where it is does not vibrate,

Those cable clip are very good too,The adhesive on the back are very strong..none of them have come off yet.

Yup that's the Zalman controller i bought from you,Still going strong. :)
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Thanks,I was just lucky that most of my cables were long enough to go where i wanted them to. :D,Except the Sub woofer one...The subs a sealed unit with no screws so if i wanted to extend the cable from the control pod to the AMP id have to literally destroy my Sub woofer box trying to get it open,Not worth the hassle.
Ideally id have liked it to be on the carpet floor but its fine where it is does not vibrate,

Those cable clip are very good too,The adhesive on the back are very strong..none of them have come off yet.

Yup that's the Zalman controller i bought from you,Still going strong. :)

Yeah, you're right; not worth the hassle at all is it.

Just thinking about how I can route everything. I'll have three power chords for each monitor, three DVI/VGA leads, speakers, speaker controls, external HDD, printer and all the USB cables.

haha, awesome. Glad it's being put to good use!
I would go with the sticky clips like suggested above if I were you. I personally use a staple gun to attach my wires to the back of the desk. Not an option if you have a metal desk, or even plastic (guessing it would fracture it).
I would go with the sticky clips like suggested above if I were you. I personally use a staple gun to attach my wires to the back of the desk. Not an option if you have a metal desk, or even plastic (guessing it would fracture it).

+ 1 on the staple gun idea. Got a USB extension lead cable staple-gunned to the bottom of my wooden desk at the moment just so I can easily plug in USB devices from my desk. Staple guns work a treat. Cable ties are good too, but don't tie them too tightly otherwise it'll be a pain to cut them if you want to move anything.
I've ordered some of the cable clips that Shane posted, and I've got a load of cable ties. So, hopefully that'll do the trick. Thanks guys!