**Dell Optiplexes for Sale CHEAP! 10 of them!


New Member
slim Dell Optiplex GX150. $20 each

Pentium 3 900mhz, 20gb, 128mb of ram, CD-Rom drive, Floppy drive.

scratchs on case
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4W4K3 said:
all i got is $.05 in my pocket. you might try eBay...selling in bulk there usually gives you pretty good results.

u mean as in like 10 computer package? becuz if i sell individually, i can only get like 200 of of each one..
hoonpv said:
u mean as in like 10 computer package? becuz if i sell individually, i can only get like 200 of of each one..

i just meant if you cant sell them at all, i would just go for a packaged deal to get rid of them.