Dedicated Network


New Member
I have 2 computers and one of them is connected to the internet with dsl/cable. I have an ethernet cord. I have configured the computer with internet so that the .0.1 ip ending is open and the "let others use the internet through this computer's connection" box is checked. I was wondering how I could make a dedicated network between the two computers so they would both have the internet without buying a router. Both computers have one of those 10/100 mbit cards installed. 1. Is it possible, 2. If so, how can this be accomplished without buying any routers, or having to buy a cable modem/modem of any kind.
First, you have to know your IP addreass from your internet service company. NOT or any numbers start with 192.168.
and set that as your default gateway and set as your computer's ip address. subnet mask is
You can set this in Start->Settings-> Network Connections -> go to property on connection, and property of Internet Protocol. when you do this without router, you may have some collisions between your computers and slow the network down.
DNS server is same as your default gateway or find it out by typing ipconfig /all
on command prompt