Decent connection speeds

Lol, random question, that depends what you personally think is 'descent' and also where you live.

For example, some places can't get a connection any higher than 256k

Whereas in other parts of the world, you can get around 56Mbps

the Quickest for the UK is 24Mbps By BeThere IIRC.

Over in the UK I suppose a 8Mb connection is descent, but I can't really speak for Canada:)
For what, exactly? Gaming, internet surfing, torrenting, etc?

For normal internet surfing, I think any "basic DSL" package should be "Decent". I'd put my mark right at...1Mbps down. But gaming on that will be poor, and downloading large files will be a pain.
i have a 1mb line and i can game fine, it is suffiicent for most gaming needs, it just depends what else you are doing at the time...
But gaming on that will be poor, and downloading large files will be a pain.

I can't agree there, when gaming online, your ping mostly depends on where the server your playing on is located. When I first got ADSL my speed was 384 Kbps, and on the same exact server I tested my ping when my connection speed was 1Mbps, my ping remained the same, or at least very similar, there is no way you could see a drop of 10-20 ms by just having a faster DSL line, don't know for T1, T3 etc. connections, but for gaming with DSL it doesn't really matter if you have the slowest or fastest internet connection, your ping will remain the same, and that's mainly becouse it downloads and uploads very little of data, I CS: S, it downloads around 10 KB/s on a 30 people server.

However, downloading large files will be a pain. ;)
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