Dash Camera Recommendation??


Any suggestions for a dash camera to install in my truck??
There are so many different ones and a really wide price range.
Any budget in mind? I'm planning on buying some but won't spend over 200 for front and rear.
Any budget in mind? I'm planning on buying some but won't spend over 200 for front and rear.
No hard budget, but like you, there doesn't seem to be any reason to spend over $200.
I've had an expensive Garmin for several years and it has quit on me...so I think price doesn't necessarily guarantee quality.
Please keep in touch if you get one, I'll do the same. :)
Also interested, would pay 400+ for 4k60 and superior audio

Kind of irritated Kia can't just capture the front and rear cams into a timeline. You already have the cameras and the computer and could even overlay other data like direction, gps, and speedo.