D-Link DI-524 <---sucks =.=;


Active Member
Just got this Router to set up the wireless for my lappy. I can't seem to download anything with BT on my lappy, forwared the parts but still does not work.

I can't sign into Ebay on my desktop now too. Every time i try to sign in the page just does not show up, blank. Everything was fine before i installed the Di-524. called the tech support and they told me to call my internets service provider. When i did call my service provider they told me the samething, call your Router tech support T.T'

I can't seem to sign into MSN messanger too. MSN it self works fine but the messanger just will not sign in.

does anybody know of a way to completly disable the firewall within the Router? I am 1000% sure that i don't need it.
Well if you want o be open to the outside.. atleast turn on your winXp Firewall.. But there is an options to put certain IPS in the DMZ... This is the Demilitirized zone... Not firewall...

Good luck!