Can someone here explain to me, like I'm a complete idiot who knows nothing about computers, (though I'm really not and have rebuilt my own computer) how a computer really works. I mean in terms of how say a computer takes input from a user, and then acts opon it. Or how a computer can load and execute a program. Most importantly, how is a computer able to function. By that I mean MECHANICALLY, because I know that computers run electricity though circuits, but I'm no electrical engineer so I have no idea how this can run a computer. All I know about circuits is from learning about extreamely simple circuits like a battery and a lightbulb, or a series circuit, ect. I'm sorry for seeming demanding, but all the results off of google gave me all this just history of computers stuff, which wasn't what I was looking for. And where they did try to explain it, they were far to vague.