copyright laws?

Not long ago copyright laws did not apply to non commercial media. I could play copyrighted music on my guitar at home for my own entertainment or loan a copyrighted book to a friend without violating any laws. My old VHS tape unit had self activating timer to copy movies directly from television programs. All I can get on TV now (without paying for cable or satellite) is infomercials and programs in a foreign language. As an older person who can remember these things it seems so much of what we used to enjoy for free or for a minimal investment have been taken away. It's difficult now to even find a drinking fountain. When I placed my order at taco bell and asked for water with my mealI was asked "a large or a small water", large water was $1.
I'm now having trouble activating my copy of windows vista. It was used on a previous computer but that unit failed due to a defective main board, and was scrapped out.It seems I'm being punished because ASUS stuck me with the unit. I can recall when Japanese cars were listed for $400 new and held less than 1% of the market, about what Linux holds now. Perhaps MS should mellow out a bit.
if this is a build you can call Microsoft and they will activate a new key.
Its not uncommon with motherboards or video cards.