Cooling Problem?


New Member
Successfully built my first PC without killing anything yesterday. Booted my PC up, installed Windows, went to install all my drivers and programs and my PC started to shut down on me after ~10 mins of use. I made it as far as installing my graphics driver and firefox before it cut out and I stopped installing things.

Ok, sounds like over heating. I start my PC... I'm staring at my BIOS right now. It says:
Current System Temp: 36C
Current CPU Temp: 87C

With ~4-5 mins of being on. I know this is high. I've got one part of the case off that has another fan attached to it but thats.. really high (I think).

The CPU cooler and the side fan are spinning, the one on my graphics card is not (that I can tell atleast).

CPU Cooler: (It was a pain to install but was recommended to me from a friend.)

Being a first-time builder my case is a bit of a mess at the moment, I was going to clean it up after I was sure I did everything right and everything was connected properly.

Also... I installed windows 7 to an SSD. Since it was too small and I need to pick up a place to rest it in it was happily residing in where my Floppy Drive would go should I choose to want one. The PC would not reboot if instructed to reboot, it would just shut down. I removed the SSD thinking there was a problem with it and attempted to install windows on a partition of my HD. The computer restarts itself without a problem now that the SSD is gone. (But for some reason I can't get Windows7 to activate so I can't test if the same above happens until I finish calling and figuring out why my key up and died on me.)

Successfully built my first PC without killing anything yesterday. Booted my PC up, installed Windows, went to install all my drivers and programs and my PC started to shut down on me after ~10 mins of use. I made it as far as installing my graphics driver and firefox before it cut out and I stopped installing things.

Ok, sounds like over heating. I start my PC... I'm staring at my BIOS right now. It says:
Current System Temp: 36C
Current CPU Temp: 87C

With ~4-5 mins of being on. I know this is high. I've got one part of the case off that has another fan attached to it but thats.. really high (I think).

The CPU cooler and the side fan are spinning, the one on my graphics card is not (that I can tell atleast).

CPU Cooler: (It was a pain to install but was recommended to me from a friend.)

Being a first-time builder my case is a bit of a mess at the moment, I was going to clean it up after I was sure I did everything right and everything was connected properly.

Also... I installed windows 7 to an SSD. Since it was too small and I need to pick up a place to rest it in it was happily residing in where my Floppy Drive would go should I choose to want one. The PC would not reboot if instructed to reboot, it would just shut down. I removed the SSD thinking there was a problem with it and attempted to install windows on a partition of my HD. The computer restarts itself without a problem now that the SSD is gone. (But for some reason I can't get Windows7 to activate so I can't test if the same above happens until I finish calling and figuring out why my key up and died on me.)


When you put on that heatsink did you apply your aftermarket thermal paste or did the heatsink have a patch of paste already on it?
I applied it to the processor, not the heatsink. (I was following the guide posted here for some basic instruction)

Was I supposed to apply it to both? There was no patch of paste on it.
No, just one. The biggest mistake for thermal paste is that people put way too much on. You were supposed to put on a little bit, the size of a pea or so. If you globbed it on, it would increase temps as well.
Clean off the CPU and heatsink. Then use some rubbing alcohol to clean the residue off. Then put the amount of about a grain of rice in the middle of the CPU.
I applied it to the processor, not the heatsink. (I was following the guide posted here for some basic instruction)

Was I supposed to apply it to both? There was no patch of paste on it.

Sorry about the confusion. Here's my way of putting on the thermal paste.

Put a small bead of paste on the CPU itself. Take a credit card type squeegee and spread it evenly on the chip. When finished there should be a thin layer of paste, not chunky or choppy.
Ok. No go. Still up to the high 80s... Now what.

Edit, more info: Could I have put.. too little? I'm big on visual aids so I brought up a few videos of putting it on and it looked similar, though a bit transparent. But.. its the EXACT same readings as before.
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