COOLER MASTER RC-692-KKN2 CM690 II Advanced Black/Steel


New Member
Got a brand new one of these, sealed. Asking $80 for it. Would prefer to do a local transaction, which is in southern California [Anaheim to be specific]. If it's an absolute must to do a ship I guess we'll work something out.

No the dog isn't included, lol.

Well deal breaker was no dog friend :)

BTW if your looking for a local sale check out it might help you sell this beast of a case.
Did I mention that only females are given the added bonus of the dog? Haha.

I've got it up on craigslist as well, but, I'm not very sure of the likelihood of it actually selling on there as some random would have to specifically be looking for that exact model in order for it to show up in any search, correct? I'll probably end up just having to do an online transaction to get it sold, but, naturally it's a better deal for the buyer if he was local as there would be no shipping costs.
Well somebody emailed me from the Craigslist post at 6Am saying "we're interested". WE're? Lol. But yeah I shot 'em back with my number and still no ring, so...