Converting to MV4


New Member
I'm using a macbook pro right now for school and i just made a podcast using keynote, garageband, and photo booth. I put all the files together in keynote and now need to put it in MV4 format an upload it to youtube before midnight. I can't seem to figure out how to do it...i tried exporting to garageband and then converting but it slowed down the pictures and they didn't match my words anymore....anyone know what i can do?
Well first off, to answer your question about why you can't upload MV4 to Youtube, its because MV4 is a podcast file for iPods. Youtube only excepts these formats:

* Windows Media Video (.WMV)
* .3GP (cell phones)
* .AVI (windows)
* .MOV (mac)
* .MP4 (ipod/psp)
* .FLV (adobe flash)
* .MKV (h.264)

Considering that MP3 is not added on there, its because you cant upload mp3 all by itself. It must be with a video file of some sort. Therefore, you won't be able to upload MV4. You would have to create some sort of video for it.