Connecting two laptops


New Member
Hi there,

I hope this is the right place to ask such question. I have no idea about networking, but I need to connect 2 laptops to transfer files. So I went to computer store and bought USB A to A, which says (in the box) is able to connect 2 computers for data/file transfer. I connect my laptops, but nothing happen (both my laptops is using XP SP2). one laptop recognize that there is another laptop connected (from the "network places") but cannot do anything about it. I don't know what i have to do..
Please help me,

Thanks a million
I've never tried a USB cable to transfer stuff. Probably the cheapest and most efficient way would be to get a crossover cable and network the two laptops. That or setup an Ad-Hoc network if they are wireless.

If you already have the USB cable and it seems to work, could you simply not have a drive/directory shared?
Yeah, I think I haven't share drive or directory, but I don't know how.LoL.
I'm such an idiot when it comes to networking. Anyway, I'm interested with what you say about setting up adhoc network. How to do that (both laptops are wifi enabled). Please enlighten me..:-) thaaaank you...