Connecting computer speakers to monitor


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where to post this question. Anyways what I want to do is get an HDMI splitter so I can play Xbox on my computer monitor so I can play while the tv is in use. My monitor does have built in speakers but they suck, plus it's a pain to change the volume. Is there a way that I can have my computer speakers hooked up to the tower and the monitor at the same time? Like if I buy a Y splitter cable is there a way to hook that up so it will work?
Do you have any audio out on your Monitor? What xbox do you have? Do you have a sound card of some sort or Optical audio in on your computer?

One option is if you have audio out on your monitor, hook it up there. I doubt you have this so on to the next.

If you have the xbox slim, there should be an optical out on the back. If you have a receiver or optical in on your computer, you could hook it up that way.

Another is buying turtle beach headset.

EDIT: Damn sorry dude, forgot to answer your question about hooking up with a y splitter scenario. I wouldn't think this would work because then you will have conflicting sounds. Most likely crackling sounds. You can hook it up from your monitor, to your tower, changing inputs so they broadcast through your speakers.
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I have a headphone jack on my monitor, I connected my Xbox Slim to my monitor once via HDMI and connected my computer speakers to the headphone jack and it worked just fine. I just don't want to have to move the jack every time, I'd rather just switch the input on my monitor.
I have a headphone jack on my monitor, I connected my Xbox Slim to my monitor once via HDMI and connected my computer speakers to the headphone jack and it worked just fine. I just don't want to have to move the jack every time, I'd rather just switch the input on my monitor.

You could try a splitter, but I'm thinking that there will be interference.

So i would run it as an input in your computer, then audio out to your speakers.