Connecting a Network


New Member
I`ve got 2 computers, one being a notebook, and both are running on WinXP.
Recently I bought a wi-fi router to share their connections, and it is working fine.
However, I also want to make the files visible from one computer to the other, but in that I`m having no success.

How should I procced?
Put the files you want visible into the "My shared folder" and make sure it is shared. You can do this by right clicking on the folder and going ot the "sharing" tab
I made a folder become shared on the computer, but I can`t find it on the notebook.
And I don`t know where to find the My Shared Folder on te notebook. Is it the same as Shared Documents, in my computer?
The "Shared" folder can be one of many folders. To share any particular folder(for example you could make a folder called Notebook Docs) just right-click it, go to properties, go to sharing, check the box that says share this folder on the network, and give it a name in the box that becomes active.
To see the other computers folder, double click my network place. If you dont see it under workgroup computers... Right click my computer, and place both pcs in the same workgroup.
You can make any folder shared on the Network, just right clck and go to Sharing and security, then the sharing tab, and check make this folder shared on the network.
Well, i did get a little bit further now.
I can see the c:/ directory on the computer from my notebook.
However, even though I believe the options are exactly the same on both machines, the computer can`t see any file or folders from the notebook, only that it is there.

Also, I can see pretty much everything from the computer c: on my notebook, except from the "program files" and the folders inside "document and settings"...

What have I done wrong?