Connecting a laptop to the internet - Noob


New Member
Hi there, I'm sorry if this question has been asked a lot before, but I need to know and couldn't find help elsewhere.

I already have a desktop PC with a broadband connection, which it is connected to via a USB modem, which then plugs into the phone port in the wall. (Sorry I don't know the technical names for this stuff.)

And basically, I want to wirelessly connect my laptop to the internet, so that I can use it up in my room. Both the laptop and the desktop PC must be able to connect to the net at the same time.

So basically, what hardware am I going to need to get a wireless internet connection for my laptop.

Thanks everyone!
if it is a recent laptop. you're ready to go. if not then if it is missing a wireless card then you'll need to get one.
A wireless PCMCIA card is what you will need for your laptop (providing the laptop does not have integrated wireless like kof2000 said.) Along with that, you will need a wireless router for it to connect to.

Your desktop PC will have to connect to the wireless router, which will be connected to the modem. Make sure your wireless router and your PCMCIA card are both the "same kind" of wireless as well. Meaning, you can get wireless "b" and wireless "g" cards/routers. If you can afford "g" go with that. It has a longer range than "b" and a faster connection (you probably can't take advantage of all of the "g" speed, but it's nice to have.)

When you buy the hardware, it will almost always come with instructions on how to hook it all up. Of course we are here too to help you with any trouble shooting. My little explanation is probably not without flaws as well, so feel free to question anything you think is a bit off.
when you connect up the router to your modem, do not forget to unplug the usb going from the modem to the desktop. If I might make a suggestion in routers ? I like netgear, make sure what ever router you get has NAT, SPI and for encryption WEP is good WPA is 100 times more secure and is well worth it, also make sure your other devices support it also.
Ok so lemme get this straight - Currently the modem plugs into my pc via USB, and into the wall via the white phone cable. So it currently goes:


Does its then go:





Sorry I'm just dumb today.


The book that comes with the router will describe set up really well with pictures. You will most likley need to connect your computer to the router with network cable instead of USB tho. I have temporairly had a router running off a modem's network port and another computer on the USB port, and it worked fine, you just won't be able to set up a true network (no file sharing, ect)