connecting a laptop and computer to the internet.


New Member
well curretly i can only get one computer to the internet at a time. i need both going simutaneously. i have motorola sb4200 surfboard cable modem, it has one ethernet cable going to my computer and one usb cable going to the laptop. everything is connected, but i cant i get both up and running?

when the laptop is connected the computer doesnt work and vice versa. would i have to get a router?
Go into the netowrk places (properties) and select the lan connection you with to share. Setup and advanced connection for sharing the cinnectino with the other computer... Sorry not much deatil, i have been up too long and need to sleep. Be back in 12 hrs.
You can't hook the Laptop and PC to the modem. It only allows the data to transfer through one at a time. A router is the best option. But what you could do is hook the modem to the PC via USB, and the computer to the laptop via ethernet, then go to network connections, and share the internet on the pc.
elmarcorulz said:
You can't hook the Laptop and PC to the modem. It only allows the data to transfer through one at a time. A router is the best option. But what you could do is hook the modem to the PC via USB, and the computer to the laptop via ethernet, then go to network connections, and share the internet on the pc.

So you would recomend a usb ethernet adaptor? You know how many people have disconnect issues with those? I would go with a second ethernet card.
Trizoy said:
So you would recomend a usb ethernet adaptor? You know how many people have disconnect issues with those? I would go with a second ethernet card.
I didn't mention a usb ethernet adapter. I said plug the modem into the pc using usb. Then netowkr the pc and laptop using a crossover cable. Then share the internet connection on the pc with the laptop
simple answer: get a router, NOT a cable modem + router, JUST a router. then connect cable modem to the wan port of router, and the computers to the lan ports.