Connecting a home PC to the TV - wireless


New Member
I want set up my TV in the living room as the PC monitor, with a keyboard and mouse to surf the internet. The PC is in the next room.

Does anyone know how I can do this? If its even possible!!

Ideally I would like to do this as wireless setup.

Thanks for any help (in advance)!
i dont think there is any wireless standard that supports the amount of bandwidth you need to drive video from your computer. if there is something out there, i would be interested in knowing.

in any case, you can be wireless, but just internet, pretty sure you will have to connect the tv to the computer via a cable like a component cable, s-video, etc.

there are very few tv's that are good for browsing the internet, most tv's are fine for video, but text can be very blurry, almost not worth browsing the internet IMHO.
The best way to go about this would probably be to buy a bluetooth keyboard and mouse set (or any otheres that have a relatively long range) and a a/v sender which could be connected to a TV-out port on you computer and then will send the audio & video signal wirelessly to the TV, although as celsdogg said TV's are fine for video, and maybe gaming but text is very blurry, unless you have a high definition TV set and would be very hard to read, and give you very sore eyes after a while :)
Nice! do you have a link for that device?

in anycase, i have a HDTV, it does 720p, and 1080i, and when i hooked up my laptop to it, it was better then a regular tv, but IMO still unbearable.
actually, i've seen wireless LCD screens at best but, there quite expensive, so they can do it. And i've also seen things at radio shack where you plug in a A/V cable and you can conenct the other end of the adapter to your tv and it works, not sure on the range tho, maybe 100ft.