Computer to Computer?


New Member
Hey guys,

I was wondering if I could directly connect two computers to eachother through a firewire cable. I have a Mac and a PC that are hooked up to the same firewire cable and I need to transfer some files, but I don't want to use the internet because that takes forever. Anyways. I would really appreciate any help with this. Thanks in advance.


You can just go to Best Buy or Circuit City and buy a crossover cable. Obviously it's more expensive to buy it than to make your own, but I bought mine. I have no idea how to make a crossover cable. Haha.
yes you can do that its a cross over connection for lan card to lan card on both PC's, you need to put IP addresses on both PC to copy files.
You can use any Ethernet cable; it doesn't have to be a cross-over cable. All recent NICs are now auto-sensing.