Should have allowed for multiple options, as I know I build for fun and professionally and others probably do too. For me, working is fun because it is enjoyable to build and to problem solve
I built years ago. I have a friend that is a Intel rep and builder. He gives me a good price also. Mostly not building because if i by Intel and build the warranty is two years i think. His is 5 yrs. As long as the price is right he can have it. Would like to again and its a maybe.
I build them for fun, but repair them for a living (when not in school). Sometimes I build a new machine to sell at work but those are few and far between.
For fun, but I would love a job doing it. That's why I'm an Information Systems major. I'll build a friend a computer and not charge them for it, absolutely.
In setting up this survey, the aim was to capture as much information as possible without sacrificing membership response. By increasing the number of questions/response options, you stand a chance of discouraging participation in the survey (I felt that four different options was more than enough).
Let me add jonnyp11 that it's a pretty safe bet that if you don't own a computer, then you would want to get one or at least consider getting one (in fact I've made no secret that I intend to get myself a computer system next year). And Aastii, where you said "Should have allowed for multiple options, as I know I build for fun and professionally and others probably do too.", it's also a safe bet that if you build them professionally, then you must have a preexisting interest in the first place to do it for fun which is why I worded an option "I build computers just for fun", the word "just" giving that option an enhanced meaning which further explains the option "I build computers for a living".
Let me close in saying that if you feel that it's still that important, then you both have the opportunity to put up your own threads on your particular subjects. I thank everyone for your participation as I've learned something from this survey.
I used to buy my computers built already, although when I would order them, I would customize what goes in the computer from their website.
About a year ago though, I built my first computer... and definitely will not buy a desktop that comes built again. It was such a thrill to have built my own computer, and say that I made it run. The problem solving, and the knowledge gained from it is exciting. Can't wait until next time!