Computer speech synthesis


Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in software or hardware. A text-to-speech (TTS) system converts normal language text into speech.

Most of the text-to-speech software can read text-based files with natural voices using various voice engines. The text-to-speech voice engine on Vista is Microsoft Anna, and Microsoft Sam on the Windows XP. Vista users can hear a very clear voice of Anna, and the voice quality of Microsoft Anna is much better than that of Microsoft Sam.

The speech synthesis Windows program called narrator has been shipped with Windows2000, Windows XP and Vista. If Windows users want to get not only voice reading but also audio files such as wave and mp3 files of the speech , they can install the free text-to-speech and text-to-m3 application panopreter. It reads text files and converts speech into wave and mp3 files, Users can import generated audio files to portable devices, and listen to them while walking, jogging or commuting to work.

Speech synthesis has been a vital assistive technology tool and its application in this area is significant and widespread, now commonly used by people with dyslexia and other reading difficulties as well as by pre-literate youngsters. Meanwhile, speech synthesis applications and gadgets are language learning tools.

Speech synthesis techniques are now also used in entertainment productions such as games, anime and similar, and widely used in telecommunication products too.
yes.....several proggy's available to read text and say text and convert to a document. scansoft is one software.
IF you search with "speech-to-text" with google, you will get a lot of results. Speech-to-text tech also means speech recognition.
Yeah it's a technology that's yet to improve, but once it's made perfect, it could be used in millions of un...well damn, it's gonna be just like in those Sci-fi movies! :eek:
I like the way you've cobbled together info. from various sites, e.g., the first bit is from wiki :) :L
speech to text would be amazing if it was widely available, imagine writing a large document just by sitting there and speaking to your computer :P would be an amazing feat of software engineering though to get it working perfectly, imagine the variables on every word, itd have to detect accent tone of voice, their there and they're xD would be amazing
I love youtube's beta of speech to text. sometimes it gets things right and other times it gives a bunch of random words that cause side-splitting laughter. :)