Computer Software


New Member
Hello, I haven't been on this site in awhile, but I know the people here are very knowable about a lot of things.
I am starting my own computer business & I am looking for some advice on what software/utilities/tools are the best on the market for me to purchase.
I'm looking for the basic recommended software tools to use. Example Webrooot for virus protection & Malware.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.
I can tell you right now, you won't need to purchase anything.

Every hard drive manufacturer has their own drive diagnostic software for free.
Use Malwarebytes and Avast free for virus/malware protection. Though those won't remove everything. Do you have any experience at all repairing pc's?
Yes I have over 20 years of experience with Macintosh & PC's. Just getting back into the PC stuff. I worked for a company for 17 years working exclusively with Macs. I'm looking for software that I could use to remove virus/malware reg, data backup stuff, rather than reformatting the machines.

Many times you'll end up reloading Windows anyway. MalwareBytes and other software can only do so much.

Your best bet would be to get unbranded Windows discs, install them, enter system audit mode, install updates and basic software. Then run sysprep and make a deplyable image (With Acronis or ImageX). Then when you need to reload, you just deploy the image, boot, and install drivers. It saves time reloading a machine.
For virus/malware removal goes.

1. Adwcleaner
2. Junkware Removal Tool
3. Malwarebytes
4. Superantispyware
5. Roguekiller

Rootkit scanners

1. Tdsskiller
2. Aswmbr
3. Malwarebytes antirootkit scanner

There are many other programs available but some like combofix requires knowledge of how the program works or you can damage a machine to where only a reinstall of windows will resolve it.

As far as general cleanup programs goes.

1. Ccleaner
2. TFC
3. Revo uninstaller

General utilities

1. minitool partition wizard
2. Windows repair (all in one) from
3. Get a copy of hirens boot cd which includes a bunch of system and disk utilities.

These lists can go on and one though. There isn't one program out there that will remove all malware, usually a multitude of programs is required. You can look through the security section and the programs that have been used to remove malware.
I am having an issue downloading Hirens from the website. Its wanting me to download & install alot of garbage and I dont trust the site. any suggestions?
UBCD4Win is good.

In addition to the above scanners I use FreeFixer.

Run rkill before a malware scan.

Detekt is a scanner for government malware.

In addition to Ccleaner I use System Ninja.

There's also Emsisoft Emergency Kit

I have used Everything.exe and Autoruns to find malware scripts start ups and adware stuff. Process monitor is something else that could be handy.