Computer shuts off while playing a high demand game


New Member
Ever since i put a new video card in my Gateway gm5072 i have had this problem where my computer will be running the game fine, then all the sudden it will completely shut off.. like i unplugged it. It comes right back on, but it's a rather annoying occurance. Could this be due to an overstrained power supply or what?
I've noticed that it doesn't really do it for half life 2, but when i play a higher demand game, like crysis, it does it about 2 minutes or so into playing.

Seems like you originally had integrated 6100 graphics and everything running off a 300w power supply. What graphics card have you put in now ?
Thank you so much!! Do you think that it could be anything else at all? If i did end up getting a new power supply, is it just a drop in my existing case or do i have to find a specific size power supply?
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I would say the power supply voltage is being pulled down by the excessive load being put on it, this would affect the processor and other equipment. If it does'nt happen in day to day computing/browsing then sorry it looks like an upgrade. :)
I would say the power supply voltage is being pulled down by the excessive load being put on it, this would affect the processor and other equipment. If it does'nt happen in day to day computing/browsing then sorry it looks like an upgrade. :)

Okay, thank you! So a replacement power supply should just be a drop in?
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I ended up just getting the power supply i linked because i am on a very tight budget:P
You guys helped a lot though! Thanks a ton!:D