Computer making a weird noise

Well I am first of all very frustrated because I purchased this computer off of craigslist and I have either had a hit or miss there. So i go to install it everything works just fine, I open a game and I hear this loud fan noise or what it seems to sound to me as or as coming from the hard drive. There is two things I have found out it only happens when I am playing a game or formatting the hard drive. I just bought a brand new video card and hard drive with in the past month and I am tired of wasting money. I really hope someone could help me out here I have pretty much come to the consensus that its the psu or the cpu otherwise i have absolutely no idea.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, I would really like to take care of this problem. I have contacted the person who had owned the computer and the only response he could give me was that the case has bad cooling.
The hard drive could be failing. If you run a chkdsk Windows will check each sector and see if anything is damaged.
The hard drive could be failing. If you run a chkdsk Windows will check each sector and see if anything is damaged.

Well that is the thing i just bought the hard drive an hour ago. So unless the brand new hard drive was returned broken or faulty that would be the problem. I am going to run the chkdisk as well.
Well that is the thing i just bought the hard drive an hour ago. So unless the brand new hard drive was returned broken or faulty that would be the problem. I am going to run the chkdisk as well.

Are you sure you're not hearing a fan that is clogged with dust/debris. Make sure you can single out the problem before jumping to conclusions. It seems like it's the hard drive. Just make sure first.
checked all the fans and removed 2 the sound is still the same i need to check the back of my cpu fan but from the front its completely clean
zip tie your wires away from any moving fans. a lot of times if my case gets moved around my SATA cables will get caught in the heatsinks fan, and it sounds like the world is about to end. once that's done, make sure your hard drives are mounted securely. they are one of the few components of your computer that have moving parts, and if they aren't secure they can come off balance and start causing motion... kinda like a washing machine out of balance if that makes any sense :)
yeah i do see what you guys are saying but i dont think any of them are the causes of the current problem, all the fans are cleaned and i know what it sounds like when a wire is being hit against a fan. If i really had to say so it really sounds like a hard drive noise, which is weird because it should be working just fine. Maybe its just my luck which is also very possible.
i had a problem like this, and it was the fan but it would only do it on boot up and its stopped now. check you fans

I also have this problem right now it only happens on start-up and when i nudge it for some reason it stops? i checked the screws to see if they were loose and they werent? any ideas?
I think i have found the permanent fix, I think I will just try a baseball bat and dropping from high heights.

going to buy a new case and power supply next for better cooling and etc, however if its not that or the cpu i think im doomed.
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