Computer majors (Salaries)?


New Member
i am torn between computer science and computer engineer, can anyone tell me the difference between the two majors and which is a more profitable degree... thanks
Do you enjoy programming? If not, then computer science is not the path for you.

Computer engineering combines both worlds of hardware and software, so you'll get a good background on electronics and the construction of computers/components, and the software that works with it (some programming, but far less than computer science).
As a skilled developer you'd be much more likely to take home the coin and more job options, but if programming isn't your thang it'd be the last thing I recommend someone tie them selves to a desk and start doing full-time - I know that this Computer Forum and not 'Philosophical Forum' but it's so important that like what you do on a day to day...
I couldn't decide either, so i'm just majoring in both. :P
As far as money, that shouldn't be the reason you pick either, you should enjoy what you want to do.
Both are very profitiable, however the real art of getting a good salary is knowing how to work out a good deal with a possible employer. They are always going to low ball you. If they can get you to just accept, good for them, otherwise it normally doesn't bother them too much to pay you more(depending on how much)
wouldn't that ake 8 years to major in both fields? that's a long time but i guess it's good since your making yourself more viable for the market.....
oh and one more question.... there aren't exactly any computer software courses right? people who pursue that career are computer science majors, am i right or no?
wouldn't that ake 8 years to major in both fields? that's a long time but i guess it's good since your making yourself more viable for the market.....

No. I'll be done in 4.5-5 years, so slightly longer then some people. My school offers several dual major programs in the engineering field and that's the sole reason I chose the school I did.

oh and one more question.... there aren't exactly any computer software courses right? people who pursue that career are computer science majors, am i right or no?
I've taken several computer software courses... not sure what you are asking however.
Funny you ask since I'm looking at exactly these two majors in the coming years. I like programming but I think I take more interest in the hardware side of things.