Computer is less responsive


Alright...lately my computer is kinda "Not Responding"ing and I'm wondering why it's like that. It's making it a pain...I have a reasonably fast computer and shouldn't have these problems....I didn't have these problems a few weeks ago but I've been downloading a whole bunch of crap lately so I'm figuring it could be some sort of bad virus / malware or something....I'm not technical savvy but it's pretty slow *sometimes*.

I have like 4 gigs of ram. Core 2 Duo 2.50 ghz and it's a pretty good laptop.

It was around the time I was downloading a butt load of dumb programs AND the same time I received a Vista auto-update which smelled I'm not sure what it could be....Vistas latest download or programs that might have had malware or something in it.

I ran a check with Kaspersky free trial for Malware and Spyware...along with Malwarebytes...and both said my computer was fine....but yeah.

It's really freezy slow. I'm gonna stop before I start nervously repeating myself which I think I'm on the brim of doing a bit....umm...any suggestions how to find out why this is happening? Any word on Vista being lame again? Idk.