Computer Hostname Examples?


New Member
Hello, I have been wondering if there are good guidelines for naming a computer (Hostname). I have found various tips and tutorials, but no one shows a real example, which is what I am looking for.

So if you have any ideas please help me posting them, how does a pro name its computer? Please any suggestions or guidelines.

Thank you.
I don't know exactly what you mean. You can name a computer whatever you want.
I name them what they are. Wife, Mine, basement, garage and laptop.
At least i know what im looking at and don't have to figure it out.
Yes, i use the names directly. its an example. use some logic and make
it perfectly clear so ya know which one your looking at if say on a network.
No mistakes.
The problem that I have seen in many tutorials I found on Google was that what happens when you have a laptop and you travel with it. Lets say it is named "Laptop" and when I work with others someone else also have a computer named "Laptop" in the same network.

Are there any tips to avoid these kind of things?
The problem that I have seen in many tutorials I found on Google was that what happens when you have a laptop and you travel with it. Lets say it is named "Laptop" and when I work with others someone else also have a computer named "Laptop" in the same network.

Are there any tips to avoid these kind of things?

Name it something unique.
Like your name

(say for agruments sake you were called Lee) Lee's exceedingly good laptop

Something, that when you see it youll make no mistake its yours :P

or even something like laptop followed b your date of birth without "/" that whay everyone else will think its numbers, youll know its yours.
I name any computer/network device something that I recognize, something that tells me what it is on the network, and something no one else will have.

Like my Droid X is Troncosox
My Laptop is TroncosoAW (Alienware)
When I'm in Ubuntu, it's TroncosoUB