Computer for sale


Raising money for my next system. Specs are:

eVGA GeForce MX4000 gpu
ASRock P4VM800 Socket 478 mobo
Intel Celeron D 310 Prescott 533MHz FSB Socket 478 CPU
Western Digital Caviar WD400BB 40GB 7200 RPM HD
CORSAIR ValueSelect 256MB DDR 400
AMS CF-1089BK Black Steel/Plastic MicroATX case

Total was around 350, so I'll start with 375.

It worked fine for the OS testing and server testing I tried it for.

If no one wants it here, I'll then try ebay and finally part it out.

I can also load Suse 10.1 onto it if you so desire.
Why are you selling it for more then you paid for it? (if i'm hearing you right).

I don't think it would sell for that much, since I cant even get my system to sell for $700 (including the monitor and such).
[-0MEGA-];398856 said:
Why are you selling it for more then you paid for it? (if i'm hearing you right).

I don't think it would sell for that much, since I cant even get my system to sell for $700 (including the monitor and such).

I would buy your system OMEGA unfortunalty i dont have the money right now cause i just built a computer but if i didnt have i probably would have bought it.
yeah, but if im right, the parts are pretty much out-dated, if im right the mx4000 is a PCI, right? socket 478's outdated, 40GB HD. did you use this 4 gaming? i'd say you'd only get about 250...

(i may be wrong with the out-dated parts, take it easy, i dont know everything..)
On the HP website, you can coustom build a computer for $250 (SR1930T) and it is a bit better than what you have here. Just something to consider.

I've already gone down from 375 to I'm losing $. I'll probably post it on ebay today or tomorrow.
Try $200.
Ya if you get lucky, no offence that comp is crap, thats like a system people are selling because its a few years old. And it doesn't matter if its only a month old, becasue the parts are way older, and 1 month still means its used. And most likely even for $200 no one here will buy it, thats the kind of comp you have to sell to a friend or family member who needs a basic comp for cheap and doesn't know much about comps.