computer eating up bandwidth


New Member
we have 5 computers in our house linked by a router and when one specific computer comes online, everyone elses almost stops working and the internet becomes useless.
anyone got any ideas about how this could happen? it happens even when he isnt down/uploading anything.
1. What type of OSes are involved? What networking hardware?
2. Naturally id check spyware, virii etc
3. If you have a good firewall you can track down what ports are being fired up and by what processes, that will help in trackinhg this down
How many programs do you have that automatically connect to the internet when you start this computer? Also, what internet connection do you have?

"everyone elses almost stops working" sounds like your networking hardware needs some serious upgrade, except for the fact that yo said its only one specific computer. turn two other computers off, and then turn on the "specific" computer and see if you have the same problem. if you do then its that computer you need to troubleshoot. if you dont have any more probs then you need to upgrade ur network hardware.
if it is XP us msconfig start run msconfig and if it isn't XP go to the inter(course of networks)net and download msconfig.exe then stop all of the Start up programs all of them. Also if you need that many computers upgrade internet connection. I only have one computer connected to the net and i have a 6meg bandwith.