computer careers?

what's the best certification to get?

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got a chance to go back to school. not sure what's the right program to take. several choices, kinda confusing. any input appreciated.
I guess it depends on your strong points and what machines you enjoy working with.

Make a shortlist of the top 3 things you like doing with computers and look into those. For instance mine would be programming, networking and consulting.

Be sure to look at the course content to make sure it covers the things you actually wan't to do.
I would definetly look at embedded system and engineering. Thats is what the next 10 years is going to be. Phones, PDA's, Handheld devices in general. Also programming is always going to be needed.
It really depends on what field you want to go into, but A+ certifications are pretty standard, and required for most hardware or network maintenance jobs.
A+ is a great cert to get, but it's not the best one out there and it definitely won't land you a high paying job. CCNA (or any of the Cisco certs) are good ones to get.
Make a shortlist of the top 3 things you like doing with computers and look into those.

Be sure to look at the course content to make sure it covers the things you actually wan't to do.

i was interested in computer security, network security (hackers),viruses, bugs, malware and how to find them, and understand them better. try to go into computer security in general.

was going for the MCSE for school, and get A+ on my own.

thanks, any suggestions appreciated.
if you are interested in the paths in IT you can read here... there are much more than you have written. But I think that starting with A+ would be a good idea, since CompTIA is a vendor free and you will learn a lot about everything and then you will understand more where you want to go and you will decide for the next certifications, whether Microssoft, Linux or others...
whats embedded system and engineering?


In a nutshell, designing hardware or applications designed for specific use, such as Phones, Machinery, Car GPS, you name it beside personal computers.

For instance, a computer can run a variety of Operating Systems and can contain a very flexible range of hardware, while an embedded system such as an iPhone has an OS designed to its screen, hardware, and device inputs, etc.
A+ certification is a very good start if you are going to go into the computer field.... you will learn alot of the basic needs that will help you excel in more advanced type of computer related jobs or study... not very hard either I took that class for a year and it was very easy just alot of reading.... but you really do learn alot.... most of the people that took the test passed and they only took the class for 2 years.... keep in mind they only did 3 hours a day since it was and off campus highschool class... if you have the time and can pick up on things quicker it will be easier for you..
In a nutshell, designing hardware or applications designed for specific use, such as Phones, Machinery, Car GPS, you name it beside personal computers.

For instance, a computer can run a variety of Operating Systems and can contain a very flexible range of hardware, while an embedded system such as an iPhone has an OS designed to its screen, hardware, and device inputs, etc.

understood, thanks.