Computer boot problem


New Member
Hey everyone, I've got a little problem with mah computer...

Well, the problem is that it won't turn on, period.

I press the power button on the case and the one on the mother board.

I know that the MoBo is getting power because the pwr and reset button on the mobo is lit up red, as well as some lights on the back of the case...

I'm hoping it might be a psu problem but it may be more serious...

Any ideas?
I would start with removing all unneeded hardware and only bootup with 1 stick of memory, keyboard, mouse, video. Remove all unneeded pci cards and usb devices to see if that could be stopping the computer from booting. If it still won't boot, replace the psu by using a friends or one from another computer if you can find one.
No I can't hear any of the fans move, or the hard disk. The computer doesn't make any sounds...

Thanks, I'll try that
Yeah I found one that I had a while ago and plugged it in. When I plugged in the 24 connection and the little 4 one, the lights started pulsating. The computer wouldn't turn on, just the red lights and a little green one on the psu started pulsating...

The psu is a Bestec 300w. Came in a sony viao desktop
try and get hold of at least a 450 w psu or if you cant and can be bothered with the time and trouble try the motherboard in another complete machine you know is working then if it works you know its psu.
Alright, I'll try that.

Also, if I tried my PSU in another pc that works and the other computer I tried it in did the same as my first one, is it the PSU?
yeah you could do it that way to if you try the suspected faulty psu in a running machine you know is fine and it has problems then defo psu fault.
Here is a video that I made.
(Sorry for the lighting and quality, I took it from my Droid.)

It wouldn't let me watch it right now, probably because I just uploaded it. So if you can watch it, tell me what you think either on the actual video or reply in this thread.

If you CAN'T watch it, it basically goes like this. My 300W Bestec powers up my Sony Vaio with just the mobo and psu plugged in. My 700W OSZ does not power it up.

I am uploading another video as I type this. It is the same test, just on my main computer, not the Sony Viao desktop. Neither the Bestec 300W nor the OCZ 700W power the computer, but the OCZ produces a beep when the power button is pressed and the fan on the PSU spins for a second

It will be under my videos after you watch the first one. It is called PSU Test 2.

It does matter! If you have a 24-pin slot, you have to use a 24-pin plug from the PSU, I see if has a 20 then a +4 as an addition, snap it together, the plug the "24-pin" in.
Ah, no luck, turned it into a 24 connector and it still beeped...


EDIT: And, when the computer was working, I never had to use a 24 connector, I just used the 20.

Could that be a reason for the failure?