
I cant answer your question but usually in the "General Software" people ask questions about programming. :)
Well, programing in my opinion is the hardest thing to figure out about computers with out experance help to guid you along when you get stuck, because a book can only help you to a point. And a designated place for asking programing questions would be apropreate, because of the wide virietiy of languages. This site is the friendliest comp fourm I have ever seen. So far I havnt seen anyone get called names or degrated for asking a question. And I think a place on this site where programers can get together would be a great adition to the purpose of this site. srry for spelling errors
I do understand you but i'm not the person who makes changes to this forum so i cant really do anything about that. In the General Software people usually ask questions about programming and i guess this is the best place at the moment to ask your questions about programming. :) If you have any questions regarding programming, just post them there. :)
you mean like programming languages? C, C+, Java, Python, Bash, objective C, cocoa, vb, .net, php, html, and so forth?

I am not sure if there is a really high demand for such a thing, and most likely any coding anyone will do here will be on a scripting level. If you are developing applications you either do so with colleagues at work or with an open source community.

might be cool to add a section for it though
Thank you for your consideration, but this post wasnt just for me. It was for all of the programers in general. Have any idea how hard it is for programers to find a place to go to? The only place I found was on freenodes irc. I guess i feel programers are neglected to have a place to converce back and forth on the web. Considering if not for programers we wouldnt be sitting here on this forum.
what are you coding? I only really use open source stuff, and I know a few really good sites for scripting and apps with open source languages. However, for anything that is done for say, Microsoft or Apple or any major corporation that has their own dev kit, typically you pay a fee (nominal usually) and gain access to their developer's network which provides such resources.
Nothing at the moment, I'm prolly going back to vb or atempt c++. I personally just like screwing around with doin silly things, just to creat them. I made a web browser in vb. It was on the net for awile but its prolly compleetly gone now. I was workin on html and css about a year ago. I was trying to use php but that didnt work for me because I think I needed to set up a server to run sql and php. idk if you have to run them together but that was how the tutoral i was using was writen. what syntax are the sorces you are talkin about?
Random guess, But it might have something to do with hackers coming to the site and asking how to code things like, keyloggers, RATS etc.
Just a guess.
Random guess, But it might have something to do with hackers coming to the site and asking how to code things like, keyloggers, RATS etc.
Just a guess.

We wouldn't discuss garbage like that anyway. It's in the forum rules.

Not enough people program in this forum. It's been suggested, but Ian (Forum God) doesn't like to change things.