Colleges in California


VIP Member
I'm sure some few people on the forum live in Cali. So I need some help. I want to go to school for graphic design and/or programming. I've been looking(well trying to look) through the academic programs at places like UCLA, University of Southern California and the likes, but 1) I can't find a clear list of their actual programs and 2) I can't find anything about either major I mentioned. So could someone help me out a bit?
If you've been using CollegeBoard, it's very mis-leading.

The best thing to do is look at the website of the college and ,look at their academic programs. Those are much more informative than CB. And if you have any questions, contact an admissions counselor or the dean of the program.
I have been looking at the actual sites. Haha, the only thing I ever used college board for was the SAT, I found that UCLA has a visual arts program which is up my alley, but not quite.
If you've been using CollegeBoard, it's very mis-leading.

The best thing to do is look at the website of the college and ,look at their academic programs. Those are much more informative than CB. And if you have any questions, contact an admissions counselor or the dean of the program.

While yes looking at the college website is usually a good option, I've seen this far too often happen...

I've had far greater success calling up or emailing the university asking for your specific information. Plus you can then request an application at the same time, get everything knocked out and done with.

Best of luck.

(Try and get into Caltech)