CMD problem


New Member
I recently built my own computer and partitioned the hard drive. I was attempting to explore my new partition using cmd but when i attempted to change the directory to my new partition it just continued to stay on the default directory C:\Users\Matthew. Thus it looks like this:

C:\Users\Matthew>cd E:\


Where as if i just wanted to revert back to C: and enter cd C:\ it will take me back to the root C:.

Any ideas out there?

I am currently running:

Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit
Service Pack 2
If you're ever lost in the command prompt, you could always type in help, or help then command.

C:\> help cd

Well, it looks like you're using the wrong backslash. It's the /, not \. Here's the syntax I got:

cd /D [drive][path]

So something like:

C:\Users\Matthew>cd /D E:\Folder

The /D switches directories, btw.
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