CMD or Notepad?


New Member
I enjoy simple tricks found on CMD and Notepad. Does anyone know any good tricks for these two programs? I already know some basic ones like for CMD, I know how to shutdown a computer that's on my network, or how to chat using CMD. Also I've learned how to use Notepad to make 'bombs' and to shutdown down a computer using a shutdown sequence. But do you know anything a bit more complicated or do you know a website that shows me more? Any input is great. Thanks.
The "Notepad" trick are actually batch files, which are a list of commands, while CMD is a command window where you can type in these commands. Just search for windows commands.Like this for example

Batch files can be very useful, like backing up different files/folders for example, just make a command list and run it from time to time.
i cant remember how but you can use command prompt to stop adminastrators from looking what you are doing when they use some sort of viewing client (i think thats what they are called), its very usfull for school :D

EDIT: okay, just asked my IT techi - he said its called Remote Computering
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i cant remember how but you can use command prompt to stop adminastrators from looking what you are doing when they use some sort of viewing client (i think thats what they are called), its very usfull for school :D

EDIT: okay, just asked my IT techi - he said its called Remote Computering

I'm interested. How can you use command prompt to stop Synchroneyes, for instance?
Don't be using batch files to end programs good way to lose computer privileges and Jackassluver My school uses programs called Vision Client and Goverlan =]