closing paypal


New Member
i've always been suspicious of paypal. read about all the people that lost money by dealing with paypal and how they're not obligated to play by the rules since they're not a real bank.

anyways, i don't really use my account, been more than a year, maybe two. i want to close it. but there are 80 cents in there LOL :D

i don't know what to do with them, i don't want paypal to have them either. how do i take them out. it's tied to my CC and i have 0 balance.
My wife uses it too. Sold about 5,000 items on Ebay.
Without incident besides someone getting late or did not get.
She did not argue, just refunded the money and let it go.
And she will buy for me also. never a problem.
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good man :) yeh ive had plenty off problems with PayPal ive lost alot off money from that :( but i use eBay and PayPal and eBay are joined so im stuck they just care about making money nothing else to be honest mate.
i've never had a single issue with paypal.. of course there are going to be disputes here and there when you're dealing with electronic fund transferring. for what they do i think they do it pretty well.
I made a new account with my bank and had them send the funds (took 24 hours) and then I transferred it to my primary account then closed the other account. Prevents them from having access to anything.
yeah it's closed now.
omg, i went through 5 or 6 confirmation pages.
i never had problems with them, only used once or twice, but i just don't trust them.